Video: 180 Method for Fatloss, Sugar Cravings and high Endurance
/First and foremost I have to give credit to Dr. Phil Maffetone. He developed this method in the 70's and I owe my endurance to his teachings. Heres his book.
This is how you exercise when practicing low-carb or keto style dieting, the two strategies compliment one another. 180 method is THE best for fat loss, reducing carb and sugar cravings and building your aerobic capacity for endurance sports.
The 180 method is not used for building muscle, power or bulking up...although it will make you much faster.
It also aids in fat adaptation. Watch the video and just do it.
Heres the super cheap heart rate monitor I use. You can also get a really fancy one but the extras arent necessary.
Heart rate monitors are CRUCIAL for this type of training. But if you dont have one yet and you want to start, running at a pace where you can hold a conversation or nose breath easily is kind of around where your 180 method would be.
Hit me up in the comments with questions or coaching inquiries. Im now offering one time phone consultations AND text message coaching.